Wednesday 25 April 2012


Design of the Year 2012 winner. It's got 8000 holes in it and there's 8000 athletes...

Monday 16 April 2012

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Death Ride

“Euthanasia Coaster” is a hypothetic euthanasia machine in the form of a roller coaster, engineered to humanely – with elegance and euphoria – take the life of a human being. Riding the coaster’s track, the rider is subjected to a series of intensive motion elements that induce various unique experiences: from euphoria to thrill, and from tunnel vision to loss of consciousness, and, eventually, death. Thanks to the marriage of the advanced cross-disciplinary research in space medicine, mechanical engineering, material technologies and, of course, gravity, the fatal journey is made pleasing, elegant and meaningful. Here

Thursday 5 April 2012

Final, Final Zonda

Footage from the Pagani factory showing the absolute final and ultimate Zonda, a mix of Zonda F, R and Cinque.